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GSE In Roof System

31 products

  • Lateral Flashing - UNIVERSAL - 1290MM – BLACK NEW DPO-Powerland

    GSE Lateral Flashing - UNIVERSAL - 1290MM – BLACK NEW DPO - ART104644

    Part No: GSE-FLASH-LAT-DPO-BLA Mounting - In Roof   This black lateral flashing comprises the sides of the PV array. A continuous line of flashings should be installed on each side of the array and a 15cm overlap distance should be observed between pieces of flashing.  Keywords: GSEFLASHLATBLA, GSE, PV Mounting, In Roof Note the new DPO GSE frames don’t work with the old lateral flashing but ALL GSE Frames work with the GSE-FLASH-LAT-DPO-BLA flashings.     Supplier Part No: ART104644 Weight: 0.57 kg Length: 1.29 m

    £16.81 Exc. VAT

    £20.17 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Frame Portrait DPO - 1650/1135 - ART105162

    GSE GSE Frame Portrait DPO - 1650/1135 - ART105162

    Part No: GSE-FRAME-DPO-1650-1135 Mounting - In Roof GSE module mounting plate for one portrait PV module with length 1610-1800mm and width 1130-1135mm.  1610mm is the recommended length. Please note; These frames are ordered in halves. 2 frames are required per module - this product is simply showing the upper or lower half of a single frame. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE!CX Notice: The DPO frames are not currently supported in the Powerland design tool. To generate a design please use GSE's own configurator attached in the documents tab of this product page.

    £24.66 Exc. VAT

    £29.59 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Flashing Hook - Powerland Renewable Energy

    GSE GSE Flashing Hook - ART100633

    Part No: GSE-FLASHING-HOOK Mounting - In Roof Please note the the manufacturer is changing the design of this product.  Functionality will remain the same so please don't be alarmed if the product you receive looks slightly different to the one pictured

    £0.86 Exc. VAT

    £1.03 Inc. VAT

  • Mid Clamp Double V2023 EPDM - H16 – BLACK W/ EPDM FOAM ATTACHED - ART105904

    GSE Mid Clamp Double V2023 EPDM - H16 – BLACK W/ EPDM FOAM ATTACHED - ART105904

    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-DOUBLE-H16-V2023-BLA Mounting - Module Clips EPDM foam attached. GSE-CLAMP-DOUBLE-H16-V2023-BLA   Supplier Part No: ART105904 Weight: 0.023 kg

    £2.03 Exc. VAT

    £2.44 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Rooflex Flexible Sealing Strip 330mm x 5m-Powerland

    GSE GSE Rooflex Flexible Sealing Strip 330mm x 5m - ART106352

    Part No: GSE-ROOFLEX-5M Mounting - In Roof   This flexible sealing strip can be used to provide a continuous waterproof border along the bottom edge of the PV array. It can also be used for the top edge of the array instead of upper flashing conponents.  Easily malleable for various applications Pre bent to facilitate folding and alignment Ease of use thanks to its low weight Underside butyl with high adhesion Easily malleable for various applications.   Supplier Part No: ART100385 Weight: 2.01 kg  

    £63.00 Exc. VAT

    £75.60 Inc. VAT

  • IN ROOF - SINGLE END CLAMP V2023 - H16 - STEEL - BLACK-Powerland


    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-SINGLE-H16-V2023-BLA Mounting - Module Clips EPDM foam attached. Keywords: GSECLAMPSINGLEH16BLA, GSE, PV Mounting, Module Clip ART105897

    £1.82 Exc. VAT

    £2.18 Inc. VAT

  • Corner Piece (To Join Module to Top Centre Flashings) BLACK - ART101409

    GSE Corner Piece (To Join Module to Top Centre Flashings) BLACK - ART101409

    Part No: GSE-CORNER-BLA Mounting - In Roof   Keywords: GSECORNERBLA, GSE, PV Mounting, In Roof   Supplier Part No: ART101409 Weight:0.15 kg

    £5.69 Exc. VAT

    £6.83 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Metal Top Centre Flashing BLACK-Powerland

    GSE GSE Metal Top Centre Flashing BLACK - ART101041

    Part No: GSE-FLASH-TOP-C-BLA Mounting - In Roof Keywords: GSEFLASHTOPCBLA, GSE, PV Mounting, In Roof Supplier Part No: ART101041 Weight: 1.4 kg Length: 1.5 m

    £30.17 Exc. VAT

    £36.20 Inc. VAT

  • Pop Rivet (Fixation for Top Centre Flashings)-Powerland

    GSE Pop Rivet (Fixation for Top Centre Flashings) - ART100389

    Part No: GSE-RIVET Mounting - In Roof GSE pop rivet, fixing for top centre flashing. Made up of two key parts; the rivet body and the setting mandrel. The pop rivet is inserted into a pre-drilled hole in the materials you're joining together.    Supplier Part No: ART100389 Weight: 0.002 kg

    £0.16 Exc. VAT

    £0.19 Inc. VAT

  • Pre-compressed seal roll (5.5m)-Powerland

    GSE Pre-compressed seal roll (5.5m) - ART101088

    Part No: GSE-SEAL Mounting - In Roof   The precompressed seal is used to ensure a complete waterproof perimeter around the PV array. The seal is pressed on to the flashing pieces at the border with the roof tiles.    Supplier Part No: ART101088 Weight: 0.45 kg  

    £14.47 Exc. VAT

    £17.36 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Clamp Wedges Twin Pack ( 2x Left / 2x Right )-Powerland

    GSE GSE Clamp Wedges Twin Pack ( 2x Left / 2x Right ) - GSE-WEDGES-TWINPACK

    Part No: GSE-WEDGES-TWINPACK Mounting - In Roof   Supplier Part No: GSE-WEDGES-TWINPACK Items in this pack: 4 Weight: 0.035 kg

    £1.03 Exc. VAT

    £1.24 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Frame Portrait DPO - 1840/1135 - Powerland Renewable Energy

    Powerland GSE Frame Portrait DPO - 1840/1135

    Part No: GSE-FRAME-DPO-1840-1135 Mounting - In Roof Please note; These frames are ordered in halves. 2 frames are required per module - this product is simply showing the upper or lower half of a single frame. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE! To generate a design please use GSE's own configurator attached in the documents tab of this product page.   Supplier Part No: ART105211 Weight: 3 kg

    £24.73 Exc. VAT

    £29.68 Inc. VAT

  • GSE M6 screw & washer - corner fixation (Pack of 100)

    Powerland GSE M6 screw & washer - corner fixation (Pack of 100)

    Part No: GSE-GM-BOLT-CORNER-PIECE-FIX Mounting - Ground Mount M6 Screw and washer - corner fix (pack of 100) The GSE GROUND SYSTEM has been designed to allow the installation of 95% of photovoltaic modules on the ground. Its robustness and its material guarantee makes it a perfectly designed product for a quick and reliable execution. Alternative to roof installations (lack of space, old roof, etc.). Solves space problems: > Installation in portrait and not landscapefor space reduction Suitable for all gardens > No problem with the height of the lawn , facilitates the mowing  Compatible with all module sizes Easy attachment of micro-inverters or optimizers 3 Easy and safe to install > Ballasting possible with all types of materials > No work on the roof. Compact and lightweight format 100 % recyclable  Optional mounting plate for use of a protective box at the rear of the system.  The system is less than 1.80 m high, so no administrative formalities are required for itsimplementation. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE! Supplier Part No: ART100125 Items in this pack: 100 Weight: 0.1 kg GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience.   

    £6.99 Exc. VAT

    £8.39 Inc. VAT

  • GSE Rooflex Flexible Sealing Strip 500mm x 5m-Powerland

    Powerland GSE Rooflex Flexible Sealing Strip 500mm x 5m

    Part No: GSE-ROOFLEX-5M-0.5M Mounting - In Roof This flexible sealing strip can be used to provide a continuous waterproof border along the bottom edge of the PV array. It can also be used for the top edge of the array instead of upper flashing conponents.  Easily malleable for various applications Pre bent to facilitate folding and alignment Ease of use thanks to its low weight Underside butyl with high adhesion Easily malleable for various applications.   Supplier Part No: ART101405 Weight: 2.01 kg  

    £84.92 Exc. VAT

    £101.90 Inc. VAT

  • Junction for Top Flashing BLACK-Powerland

    GSE Junction for Top Flashing BLACK - ART100039

    Part No: GSE-JUNCTION-BLA Mounting - In Roof   Supplier Part No: ART100039 Weight: 0.4 kg  

    £7.53 Exc. VAT

    £9.04 Inc. VAT

  • GSE In-Roof Screw 6.5x60 mm - EPDM - A2 - BLACK - ART106051

    GSE GSE In-Roof Screw 6.5x60 mm - EPDM - A2 - BLACK - ART106051

    Part No: GSE-ART106051 Mounting - Wood Screws In-Roof Screw 6.5x60 mm - EPDM - A2 - BLACK Keywords: GSESCREWBLA, GSE, PV Mounting, In Roof, gse in roof

    £0.99 Exc. VAT

    £1.19 Inc. VAT

  • GSE M10 Screw & Washer - square fix (pack of 20)

    Powerland GSE M10 Screw & Washer - square fix (pack of 20)

    Part No: GSE-GM-BOLT-2PER-SQR Mounting - Ground Mount M10 SCREW & WASHER - TRY SQUARE FIXATION The GSE GROUND SYSTEM has been designed to allow the installation of 95% of photovoltaic modules on the ground. Its robustness and its material guarantee makes it a perfectly designed product for a quick and reliable execution. Alternative to roof installations (lack of space, old roof, etc.). Solves space problems: > Installation in portrait and not landscapefor space reduction Suitable for all gardens > No problem with the height of the lawn , facilitates the mowing  Compatible with all module sizes Easy attachment of micro-inverters or optimizers 3 Easy and safe to install > Ballasting possible with all types of materials > No work on the roof. Compact and lightweight format 100 % recyclable  Optional mounting plate for use of a protective box at the rear of the system.  The system is less than 1.80 m high, so no administrative formalities are required for itsimplementation. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE!   Supplier Part No: ART100938 Items in this pack: 20 Weight: 0.002 kg GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience

    £6.26 Exc. VAT

    £7.51 Inc. VAT

  • GSE XXL Frame Portrait DPO 2030-1135

    Powerland GSE XXL Frame Portrait DPO 2030-1135

    Part No: GSE-FRAME-DPO-2030-1135 Mounting - In Roof This new product GSE Portrait Half-Frame H2030: allows the safe and simple integration in Portrait format of 500w+ PV modules. from 1990 to 2180 mm in height from 991 to 1305 mm in width benefits from the experience of its predecessors Half-Frame H1650 and H1840 in terms of conception and installation launched over a year ago has been tested by recognized laboratories in Europe to guarantee the strength and durability of the installation.   CLAMP ATTACHEMENT POINTS: Due to the increased surface area and weight of the modules compatible with this XXL frame range (around 2.5 m² and 30 kg) and in order to ensure the mechanical stability of the modules, we recommend doubling the number of middle and end clamps when installing the modules

    £23.63 Exc. VAT

    £28.36 Inc. VAT

  • M6 Nut for M6 Screw (pack of 100)

    Powerland M6 Nut for M6 Screw (pack of 100)

    Part No: GSE-GM-NUT-CORNER-PIECE-T Mounting - Ground Mount The GSE GROUND SYSTEM has been designed to allow the installation of 95% of photovoltaic modules on the ground. Alternative to roof installations (lack of space, old roof, etc.). Quick, Simple and safe to install, in less time and with fewer installation costs. Easy attachment of micro-inverters or optimizers it is fitted as portrait for reduced size in any type of ground or garden. Two fixing solutions: ➜ Fixing on Z bar ➜ Fixing on rail mounting Optional mounting plate for use of a protective box at the rear of the system.    The system is less than 1.80 m high, so no administrative formalities are required for it simplementation. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE! Supplier Part No: ART101184 Items in this pack: 100 Weight: 0.1 kg GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience. 

    £6.99 Exc. VAT

    £8.39 Inc. VAT

  • M10 Nut for M10 Screw (pack of 20)

    Powerland M10 Nut for M10 Screw (pack of 20)

    Part No: GSE-GM-NUT-2PER-SQR-T Mounting - Ground Mount The GSE GROUND SYSTEM has been designed to allow the installation of 95% of photovoltaic modules on the ground. Alternative to roof installations (lack of space, old roof, etc.). Quick, Simple and safe to install, in less time and with fewer installation costs. Easy attachment of micro-inverters or optimizers it is fitted as portrait for reduced size in any type of ground or garden. Two fixing solutions: ➜ Fixing on Z bar ➜ Fixing on rail mounting Optional mounting plate for use of a protective box at the rear of the system.    The system is less than 1.80 m high, so no administrative formalities are required for it simplementation. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE! Supplier Part No: ART100213 Items in this pack: 20 Weight: 0.002 kg GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience. 

    £5.33 Exc. VAT

    £6.40 Inc. VAT

  • Corner Piece L (thickness 2mm) adjustable length: delivered 1233mm-Powerland

    Powerland GSE Corner Piece L (thickness 2mm) adjustable length: delivered 1233mm

    Part No: GSE-GM-CORNER-PIECE-ADJUST Mounting - Ground Mount Corner Piece L (thickness 2mm) adjustable length: delivered 1233mm The GSE GROUND SYSTEM has been designed to allow the installation of 95% of photovoltaic modules on the ground. Alternative to roof installations (lack of space, old roof, etc.). Quick, Simple and safe to install, in less time and with fewer installation costs. Easy attachment of micro-inverters or optimizers it is fitted as portrait for reduced size in any type of ground or garden. Two fixing solutions: ➜ Fixing on Z bar ➜ Fixing on rail mounting Optional mounting plate for use of a protective box at the rear of the system.    The system is less than 1.80 m high, so no administrative formalities are required for it simplementation. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE! Supplier Part No: ART102880 Weight: 1.925 kg Length: 1.23 m GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience. 

    £12.62 Exc. VAT

    £15.14 Inc. VAT

  • GSE - RAIL END CAP - Powerland Renewable Energy

    Powerland GSE - RAIL END CAP

    Part No: GSE-ENDCAP-RAIL-PLUG Mounting - Rail End Caps RAIL END CAPS  Supplier Part No: ART101691

    £1.30 Exc. VAT

    £1.56 Inc. VAT

  • End Clamp BLACK 35mm HC / 40mm-Powerland

    Powerland End Clamp BLACK 35mm HC / 40mm

    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-SINGLE-H21-BLA Mounting - Module Clips   Supplier Part No: ART100495 Weight: 0.028 kg

    £1.36 Exc. VAT

    £1.63 Inc. VAT

  • Touch up Spray 400mL-Powerland

    Powerland GSE Touch up Spray 400mL

    Part No: GSE-GM-TOUCH-UP-SPRAY Mounting - Ground Mount Perfect zinc spray Anti-Corrosive Protection Spray 400mL Outstanding long-term protection and optimum metal surface appearance High layer thickness in first spray pass High degree of safety thanks to optimum weathering protection Minimum amount of time spent, as only one operation is required Good coverage Versatile use with adjustable spray head Large area and minor repairs can be carried out quickly and reliably with the variable spray head. High degree of resistance to running High degree of wear resistance Tested corrosion protection in accordance with DIN. Perfect zinc spray, light: 250 hours Perfect zinc spray: 500 hours Can be used for repairs in accordance with DIN EN ISO 1461 Supplier Part No: ART101025 Weight: 0.4 kg GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience. 

    £13.09 Exc. VAT

    £15.71 Inc. VAT

  • GSE/VELUX lateral Flashing for MK08 (Right) 2020 ONLY - Powerland Renewable Energy

    Powerland GSE/VELUX lateral Flashing for MK08 (Right) 2020 ONLY

    Part No: GSE-VELUX-MK08-RIGHT Mounting - Roof Flashings GSE/VELUX lateral Flashing for MK08 (Right)   Supplier Part No: ART103629 Weight: 0.57 kg

    £31.75 Exc. VAT

    £38.10 Inc. VAT

  • GSE/VELUX lateral Flashing for MK08 (Left) 2020 ONLY - Powerland Renewable Energy

    Powerland GSE/VELUX lateral Flashing for MK08 (Left) 2020 ONLY

    Part No: GSE-VELUX-MK08-LEFT Mounting - Roof Flashings GSE/VELUX lateral Flashing for MK08 (Left)   Supplier Part No: ART103622 Weight: 0.57 kg

    £31.75 Exc. VAT

    £38.10 Inc. VAT

  • Mid Clamp BLACK 35mm HC / 40mm-Powerland

    Powerland Mid Clamp BLACK 35mm HC / 40mm

    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-DOUBLE-H21-BLA Mounting - Module Clips   Supplier Part No: ART100744 Weight: 0.034 kg  

    £1.56 Exc. VAT

    £1.87 Inc. VAT

  • Mid Clamp BLACK 40mm HC / 45mm-Powerland

    Powerland Mid Clamp BLACK 40mm HC / 45mm

    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-DOUBLE-H26-BLA Mounting - Module Clips   Supplier Part No: ART102335 Weight: 0.036 kg

    £1.56 Exc. VAT

    £1.87 Inc. VAT

  • Mid Clamp BLACK 50mm-Powerland

    Powerland Mid Clamp BLACK 50mm

    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-DOUBLE-H31-BLA Mounting - Module Clips Keywords: GSE, PV Mounting, Module Clip   Supplier Part No:ART101288 Weight:0.042 kg

    £1.56 Exc. VAT

    £1.87 Inc. VAT

  • GSE 6 pans nut with autoblocking binding washer (coupled with screw “14”)

    Powerland GSE 6 pans nut with autoblocking binding washer (coupled with screw “14”)

    Part No: GSE-GM-NUT-RND-HEADED-T Mounting - Ground Mount The GSE GROUND SYSTEM has been designed to allow the installation of 95% of photovoltaic modules on the ground. Alternative to roof installations (lack of space, old roof, etc.). Quick, Simple and safe to install, in less time and with fewer installation costs. Easy attachment of micro-inverters or optimizers it is fitted as portrait for reduced size in any type of ground or garden. Two fixing solutions: ➜ Fixing on Z bar ➜ Fixing on rail mounting Optional mounting plate for use of a protective box at the rear of the system.    The system is less than 1.80 m high, so no administrative formalities are required for it simplementation. MODULE SIZES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE GSE DESIGN TOOLS WHEN CHOOSING CORRECT FRAMES FOR YOUR MODULE! Supplier Part No: ART100743 Weight:  0.001 kg GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience.

    £0.10 Exc. VAT

    £0.12 Inc. VAT

  • End Clamp BLACK 40mm HC / 45mm-Powerland

    Powerland End Clamp BLACK 40mm HC / 45mm

    Part No: GSE-CLAMP-SINGLE-H26-BLA Mounting - Module Clips   Supplier Part No: ART102328 Weight: 0.036 kg  

    £1.36 Exc. VAT

    £1.63 Inc. VAT

GSE Integration is an easy mounting solution for creating an in roof array. GSE is itself, a programme to develop mounting and integration systems by SVH Energie. GSE are motivated by the essential need to provide customers with the most innovative and suitable products. The GSE IN-ROOF SYSTEM for photovoltaic integration has now captured over 60% market share of residential installations in France, and having crossed over to the UK, they are offering their easy and cost effective solution the likes of which the UK market has yet to experience. 

With the GSE in-roof solar panel mounting system, you can replace traditional roof tiles or slates and create an aesthetically pleasing and productive roof. We stock all the components required for roof-integrated solar panels to deliver a clean look without compromising on performance.

Discover the full GSE in roof system at Powerland.

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