Welcome to Powerland Renewables!
Register for a Trade Account

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{%- liquid assign information_blocks = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'usp' assign newsletter_checkbox_block = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'newsletter_checkbox' assign custom_checkbox_blocks = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'custom_checkbox' -%}

{{ 'customer.register.title' | t }}

{%- assign register_form_class = 'f8lg text-start' -%} {%- form 'create_customer', class: register_form_class -%} {%- if form.errors -%} {%- for error in form.errors -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endif -%}
{{ 'customer.register.title' | t }}

{{ 'customer.register.create_account_info' | t }}

{%- if information_blocks.size > 0 -%}
    {%- for block in information_blocks -%} {%- if block.settings.usp != empty -%}
  • {{ block.settings.usp | replace: '

    ', '
    ' | remove: '

    ' | remove: '

    ' }}
  • {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if newsletter_checkbox_block.size > 0 or custom_checkbox_blocks.size > 0 -%}
    {%- endif -%} {%- for block in section.blocks -%} {%- if block.type == 'newsletter_checkbox' -%}
  • {%- elsif block.type == 'custom_checkbox' -%} {%- if block.settings.custom_checkbox_text != empty -%}
  • {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- if newsletter_checkbox_block.size > 0 or custom_checkbox_blocks.size > 0 -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- endform -%} {% schema %} { "name": "t:main.account_register.name", "class": "w630 align-center", "blocks": [ { "type": "usp", "name": "t:main.account_register.blocks.usp.name", "settings": [ { "id": "usp", "type": "richtext", "label": "t:main.account_register.blocks.usp.settings.usp.label", "default": "

Give your customers more details.

" } ] }, { "type": "newsletter_checkbox", "name": "t:main.account_register.blocks.newsletter_checkbox.name", "limit": 1, "settings": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": "t:main.account_register.blocks.newsletter_checkbox.settings.paragraph" } ] }, { "type": "custom_checkbox", "name": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.name", "settings": [ { "id": "custom_checkbox_text", "type": "richtext", "label": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.settings.custom_checkbox_text.label", "info": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.settings.custom_checkbox_text.info" }, { "id": "required", "type": "checkbox", "label": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.settings.required.label" } ] } ] } {% endschema %}
Product form

{%- liquid assign information_blocks = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'usp' assign newsletter_checkbox_block = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'newsletter_checkbox' assign custom_checkbox_blocks... Read more

£0.00 Exc. VAT
£0.00 Inc. VAT

  • Quality
  • Reliabilty
  • Trusted


{%- liquid assign information_blocks = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'usp' assign newsletter_checkbox_block = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'newsletter_checkbox' assign custom_checkbox_blocks = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'custom_checkbox' -%}

{{ 'customer.register.title' | t }}

{%- assign register_form_class = 'f8lg text-start' -%} {%- form 'create_customer', class: register_form_class -%} {%- if form.errors -%} {%- for error in form.errors -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endif -%}
{{ 'customer.register.title' | t }}

{{ 'customer.register.create_account_info' | t }}

{%- if information_blocks.size > 0 -%}
    {%- for block in information_blocks -%} {%- if block.settings.usp != empty -%}
  • {{ block.settings.usp | replace: '

    ', '
    ' | remove: '

    ' | remove: '

    ' }}
  • {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if newsletter_checkbox_block.size > 0 or custom_checkbox_blocks.size > 0 -%}
    {%- endif -%} {%- for block in section.blocks -%} {%- if block.type == 'newsletter_checkbox' -%}
  • {%- elsif block.type == 'custom_checkbox' -%} {%- if block.settings.custom_checkbox_text != empty -%}
  • {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- if newsletter_checkbox_block.size > 0 or custom_checkbox_blocks.size > 0 -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- endform -%} {% schema %} { "name": "t:main.account_register.name", "class": "w630 align-center", "blocks": [ { "type": "usp", "name": "t:main.account_register.blocks.usp.name", "settings": [ { "id": "usp", "type": "richtext", "label": "t:main.account_register.blocks.usp.settings.usp.label", "default": "

Give your customers more details.

" } ] }, { "type": "newsletter_checkbox", "name": "t:main.account_register.blocks.newsletter_checkbox.name", "limit": 1, "settings": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": "t:main.account_register.blocks.newsletter_checkbox.settings.paragraph" } ] }, { "type": "custom_checkbox", "name": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.name", "settings": [ { "id": "custom_checkbox_text", "type": "richtext", "label": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.settings.custom_checkbox_text.label", "info": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.settings.custom_checkbox_text.info" }, { "id": "required", "type": "checkbox", "label": "t:main.account_register.blocks.custom_checkbox.settings.required.label" } ] } ] } {% endschema %}

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